понедельник, 12 января 2009 г.
The sea and optimism
The sea is an eternal source of high spirits and cheerfulness. I always spend my leave at the seaside. I never miss my chance because I understand that if I fail to go to the sea and spend my leave at home, I won't the necessary supply of energy for work and will suffer from lack of power all year round. When I spend my leave at the sea, my immune system becomes stronger; I don't catch colds and feel good. When I stay at home during the whole summer, my health is bad, I am constantly sneezing and coughing. Medicines don't help. My friends experience the same when they fail to spend their leave at the sea. That is why, if you have your vacation in summer, never miss your chance and spend your leave at the sea. Positive emotions, which you will get there, will be remembered by you till the next leave. Spend it together with your family and bring pleasure to your chi8ldren. If you stay at home, you will see that apart from your health, your family relations will also suffer. When people spend all the time together in the same surroundings they are doomed to quarrels and arguments. All people need sometimes a different scene. Everything becomes boring if nothing changes and it can lead to negative consequences. Spending your leave at the sea can solve several problems at the same time. You can improve your health, strengthen your family relations and get the supply of energy for the whole year ahead.